Torah Educational Software, Inc. Приложения

Bible Gematria 1.2
What is Gematria?The Oxford English Dictionary defines Gematria as, - A Kabbalisticmethod of interpreting the Hebrew Scriptures by interchanging wordswhose letters have the same numerical value when added.The Torah has many layers to it. There is the simple meaning ofthe words and then there are the secrets behind the words a kind ofCode if you will. This powerful Gematria Software will help unravelthe Code and give you a new understanding of the Bible. Thissoftware will give you the ability to Explore the Bible andDiscover new ideas that will add a new appreciation to your BibleStudy.How it works?Gematria works on the Kabbalistic premise that the letters of thealphabet can also be used as numbers, and therefore words andphrases acquire distinctive numerical values. By comparing thevarious identical words you uncover relationships between Words,Phrases, Names, Dates and Events. With this software you will beable to check all of these in mere seconds… and come away with anentirely new message hidden in the Bible Text.Check below the various methods and features of thesoftware:Gematria EngineCalculates Gematria in 10 Kabbalistic FormatsRegular GematriaIm HakollelIm HateivosIm HaosiosMilluiNistarAt BashAl BamRoshei TeivosSofei TeivosMatch Gematria to:Bible Words - Bible Phrases - Complete Bible Verses – Names –Places and Numbers.Search & Match by:Letters / Words / Numbers Search First / Last Names - Match Words /Phrases / Verses
Bible Scholar 1.0
Bible Scholar is like having a Bible SwissArmy Knife. It has everythingyou need and it works smoothly when you need it.Easy to use - feature rich. This is the App of choice forstudyingThe Hebrew Bible. Here are just some of the features.The complete text of the Hebrew Bible with Vowels. ThecompleteEnglish Translation of the Bible with Orthodox RabbinicEndorsement.The translation is true to the text. Perfect for Bible Research& Study.There is a Linear English Translation with the Hebrew Text, plusanamazing Word by Word Translation and it even has aTransliterationof the Hebrew word so you will know what each Hebrew wordmeansas well as how to properly pronounce it.The App has so many easy to use but powerful features – it trulyisLike a Swiss Army Knife – it will never let you down.For example – you can of course Search the whole Bible inbothHebrew and English. But more than that – you can add your ownNotes and link them to the exact sentence.Plus if you have a picture that illustrates a point or anArcheological artifactthat helps explain a sentence you can add that to the sentence.And that is not all… Imagine you attend a class a Bible Lectureor aLecture on Psalms and you want to record the Teacher – noproblemyou can link the full Lecture or Voice comments to theappropriatetext in either Hebrew or English.This software is available for Windows and Mac versions forhundredsOf dollars and now you can enjoy the best Bible App on your PhoneorTablet for a fraction of the price.We hope you enjoy Bible Scholar and it enhances your BibleStudy.Let us know If you feel something needs improvement and ifyoulike it let us know by recommending it to others. For moreBibleTools look us up on the web at
Hebrew Tutor
Torah Educational Software, Inc.
Fastest way to build your Hebrew Vocabulary - Teaches - Tests -Uses Human Voice
Haggadah Reader 2.1.0
Torah Educational Software, Inc.
Haggadah Reader - teaches you "How To" READ & UNDERSTAND theHebrew Haggadah.
Hebrew Bible Reader
Torah Educational Software, Inc.
Hebrew Bible Reader, teaches pronunciation & meaning of everyword in the bible.
Wolfson Talmud
Torah Educational Software, Inc.
Hebrew English Interactive TALKING TALMUD Reads & Explains –Dictionary & Search
Hebrew Siddur Reader 2.1.0
Torah Educational Software, Inc.
Hebrew Siddur Reader The Essential Hebrew Prayer Study Tool
Read and Speak Hebrew for Adul 1.0.0
Torah Educational Software, Inc.
Learn to read and speak Hebrew
Read and Speak Hebrew the Mont 1.4.6
Torah Educational Software, Inc.
Learn to read and speak Hebrew
Gemara Tutor
Torah Educational Software, Inc.
The fastest way to build your Talmud Vocabulary - Most recommendedTalmud Tutor
Shofar Trainer 1-2-3 1.0.7
Torah Educational Software, Inc.
This program will give you the tools to measure and practice ShofarBlowing.
Bible Dictionary & Concordance
Torah Educational Software, Inc.
Instant reference bi-directional Hebrew-English and dictionary
Talmud Dictionary & Concordanc
Torah Educational Software, Inc.
Instant reference bi-directional Hebrew-English andAramaic-Englishdictionary
Hebrew Psalms Reader 1.8.8
Torah Educational Software, Inc.
Reads and translates the book of Psalms